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Here is where you can find a list of game improvements currently being investigated by our engineering team. This list will be updated regularly, and posts will be added and removed as they are discovered and resolved. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of all developments we are aware of or working to fix. To report a bug that isn’t listed here, or get one on one support, please submit a ticket.

  • IDC Games Gifts

    IDC Gifts is the place where users gift their keys on the IDC Games Platform. Players that already own a game but have spare keys can run Giveaways so other IDC Games Players can get it. Of course, th...

  • IDC Games Gamer Page

    The IDC Games platform offers registered players a Gamer Page, where they can show off their gaming activity and achievements, can customise their profile, store and check on their gaming collectables...

  • IDC Games eSports Management

    Developers can set up eSports Tournaments and Leagues for their games in a quick and easy way at the IDC Games platform via the IDC Panel. (Coming soon)...

  • IDC Games Community

    The IDC Games platform offers players many options to engage with the Community, chief among them are the User Chat (coming soon), Forums for each game, Reviews, Giveaway Gift Page (IDC Gifts, comming...

  • IDC Games Chat

    IDC players have access to a live chat on the IDC Games Launcher, both text and voice-based....

  • IDC Games Bundles

    The IDC Games platform gives developers the option of creating game bundles so they can offer two or more of their published games with a special discount on the platform, all to encourage purchases. ...

  • IDC Games App

    The IDC Games App is the mobile version of the web platform. Here, users can check the latest News, ongoing or future Events, and obtain discount vouchers or in-game rewards for registered players. ID...

  • IDC Games Influencer Platform

    IDC Games enables game developers and gaming influencers to adhere easily and within minutes to an affiliate marketing campaign that suits both their interests. The affiliate marketing campaign consis...